Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Exporting OIL

I have heard in recent days that American OIL companies export a large amount of our oil. I researched this a bit and found out that the oil companies have set record highs in exporting this year. An article I read tells they were exporting about 1.4 million barrels a month in 2007. In 2008 they are exporting %10 of our daily use which is about 1.8 million barrels a day.

Every person in this country needs to contact their CONGRESSMAN/WOMAN and protest this outrageous exploitation of the AMERICAN people. They are selling oil to get more profit from saying that they have to buy so much from other countries because they can only produce so much. The amount they are exporting is far greater than the amount they say can be available in ten years if they are allowed to drill offshore and in ANWR. Reports have been that they would only be able to increase production by about 200,000 barrels a day. I say they should have to stop exporting so we don't have to import as much. That right there would have a greater impact on what we pay per gallon of fuel than allowing more drilling.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Carbonventures - Carbon Broker

Carbonventures - Carbon Broker

Click Here! to get your copy of this amazing opportunity. I could not believe my eyes when I saw how easy this is to make a big difference in our environment.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Are you tired of high gas prices? Even though prices are coming down how long do you think the OIL COMPANIES will let them stay down? The OIL COMPANIES are not out to help the American people. They are not even out to help cut our dependence on foreign oil. They are only out to help themselves. If they were trying to help the people of our great country they would be dropping the price of gas at the same percentage rate of drop in oil prices ( which by the way is grossly uneven). Oil has dropped almost % 50 from its all time high and yet gas has only come down a measly % 20 from its all time high.

OIL COMPANIES here in the US talk about needing to drill more to increase production and lessen our dependence; and they want more refineries to "keep up with demand". Did you know that the OIL COMPANIES export a large portion of our oil to other countries instead of using it to help lessen our dependence. And did you also know that our OIL COMPANIES refine oil into fuel for VENEZUELA because they do not have refineries of their own? President Chavez HATES AMERICA and will do anything he can to destroy us, and yet the OIL COMPANIES sell them fuel instead of making sure that America has ample supply.

I think that we all should do our part in trying to free ourselves from the TYRANNY of OIL. There are many options out there but few are feasible to the average American citizen.

I have researched and purchased several hho hybrid programs to convert my car to run on water. The best one I came accross RUNYOURCARONWATER had many safety features built in, and had an onboard in the car diagnostic panel. The problem with it is, it is very difficult to build and the supplies have to be ordered in bulk, which makes it not very feasible for somebody trying to save money in these times we are in. Not only the cost but you would also have to be extremely mechanically inclined and almost have to be an electrical engineer to figure the schematics to build it. The most feasible and simplest one to build is HALFWATERHALFGAS. It takes longer to purchase the supplies you will need than it does to build it. It can be completely built and installed in a weekend project. Click Here! to get more information on this system.